Technical Library
Environmental Policy
We are very conscious of our environment and will only supply ethically harvested wood flooring. We are FSC certified and follow the Timber Trade Federation’s Responsible Purchasing Policy. This section reviews our ethical code of conduct and provides links to our certifications. If you have anymore questions on our Responsible Purchasing Policy please call us on 01666 504 015.
The Owners and Directors of The Solid Wood Flooring Company has made it a policy to only source from well managed legal sustainable forests and be responsible not only to the environment but also our clients, staff and contractors. We unreservedly condemn illegal logging and will not manufacture some exotic species as we believe that a lot are from questionable sources. With modern oiled finishes there are so many options that it seems a shame for companies to still sell flooring that comes from our ever reducing rain forest.
We only manufacture our own wooden flooring and can therefore control the sources of our raw material unlike a large number of our competitors who buy from traders.
We are FSC certified with a chain of custody certificate which means that all our FSC certified flooring can be traced back to the forest where it was harvested which ensures that it is responsibly managed. Further details can be found on the web site https://www.fsc.org/.
Our FSC Certificate is near to the bottom of this page: https://info.fsc.org/details.php?id=a0240000005sSKGAA2&type=certificate#result
We are also committed members of the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) and implement their Environmental Code of Practice and responsible purchasing policy (RPP). The RPP is a key issue in the timber industry today as it will ensure that all forests will eventually become totally sustainable, and over time the rain forest will get replanted. Further information can be obtained directly from the TTF web site at www.ttf.co.uk.
By following this policy we can ensure that for every tree harvested there will be more than one replanted. Never buy cheap wood flooring as it will invariably come from illegal logging operations where there is no management and locals cutting down trees and selling the raw material cheaply, in well managed forests only the best timber is selected.
The USA for example has always had a sustainable Forest Initiative as it has used timber in its house building and flooring in the early days of its evolution. The US has a regulatory framework enforces its good forestry practise throughout the US and Canada which is where our American White Oak, Walnut and Maple are sourced
We are also very ecological in our manufacturing using off-cuts of Oak and walnut to manufacture our Sandwich Engineered Oak and fine line flooring. This means less wastage from the timber harvested.
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